Creating a New Habit

Go through the series of questions below regarding your current Time and Energy Management habits and the new and improved habits you want to create.

There's no right or wrong answer here. The purpose of these questions is to bring awareness of what you're doing, feeling and what you want to do and feel going forward.

*Think back and identify when you first noticed that you were struggling with time and energy management.

Be as specific as possible.

*Which habits are currently NOT working for you? (Write them down)

*The habit(s) that you just listed (that are not working,) why do you keep repeating them?  

*What type of feelings do you experience when you struggle with time and energy management?

*Write down the new habit you want to create.

*Why is this new habit important to you?

*How will this new habit make your future-self feel or how do you want this new habit to make you feel?

*When are you going to start and commit to this new habit?

*Identify how you will know when you’ve successfully created a new habit?

*How will this accomplishment make you feel?

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